EC Library Guide on railway transport: EU statistics and data
EU statistics and data
Railway transport
- Statistical themes: Transport | Eurostat
This section provides information on the following modes of transport: air. inland, waterways. maritime (sea), oil pipelines, rail, road. The statistics describe the volume of freight and number of passengers transported, the characteristics of vehicles/vessels used, and transport infrastructure. In addition, they include transport safety as well as indicators on modal split (share of each mode in total transport) and intermodal freight transport.
- EU transport in figures – Statistical pocketbook 2024
European Commission: Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, EU transport in figures – Statistical pocketbook 2024, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024.
Transport represents a crucial sector of the economy. This publication provides an overview of the most recent and most pertinent annual transport-related statistics in Europe. It covers the European Union and its 27 Member States (EU-27) and, as far as possible, the current EU candidate countries, the EFTA countries and UK. The content of this pocketbook is based on a range of sources including Eurostat, international organisations and associations, national statistics and, where no data were available, own estimates. Own estimates have mainly been produced to get an idea of the EU total. At the level of individual countries, they are merely indicative and should by no means be interpreted as official data.
- Transport: Datasets | is the official portal for European data. - EC Data Catalogue
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See also
- Flagship publications | Eurostat
Flagship publications offer an overview of Eurostat data on multiple topics relevant for society and policies.
- Interactive publication | Eurostat
'Regions in Europe' and other interactive publications present interactive data visualisation, accompanied by short texts on specific topics.
- Statistics explained | Eurostat
Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting statistical topics in an easily understandable way. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics for everyone, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information and the latest data and metadata, a portal for occasional and regular users.
- User support | Eurostat
Eurostat offers a multilingual user support service that will answer your questions about European statistics. Eurostat's press corner serves journalists and fact checkers. The institutional support service section is dedicated to the staff of EU Institutions, executive agencies and services.
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- Last Updated: Jan 7, 2025 3:05 PM
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